Friday, March 6, 2009

Kosher: Another Religious Rip-Off!

Organized religions rip people off. For example, they don't have to pay property taxes yet they enjoy all the benefits of police and fire protection. Even the "faith-healers" can call 911 for a paramedic!

One big religious rip off that is taking place, in addition to the above travesty of justice, is the kosher rip off. This scam is paid for by unaware consumers who haven't been warned about the rabbinical rip off!

The way the kosher scam works is a group of rabbis sell the "right" to a company to display their particular kosher marking. (The two primary kosher symbols are shown below. Check your kitchen for these labels on your food products to see if you've been taken. The symbols are usually small and sometimes hard to locate. I bet everyone will find more than one food product in their kitchen that is part of this religious scam. Even some non-food items are certified kosher by these greedy charlatans! For example, check your Reynolds Wrap if you have it. Also, some dish soap is also "kosher"!)

Each item you buy that has a kosher mark on it cost you additional money. The individual amounts are usually small, but the big take is truly BIG! And more important, it's the principle that matters. Why should someone who doesn't believe in the Jewish and Islamic superstition of "kosher" pay into the pocket of a revealed religionist???

The total dollars these rabbis rake in has to be an enormous amount based on the fact that in just one year, 1999, over $130 BILLION was spent on kosher products!!! And as anyone with common sense knows, the corporations who pay these ridiculous fees don't eat the cost themselves! They pass it on to you and me!

I've searched for exact figures of exactly how much the take is that these revealed religionists are enjoying, but it appears the rabbis aren't in favor of transparency when it comes to this superstition based scam. I did, however, learn that having just one full-time mashgiach, or kashrut supervisor, would run between $40,000 and $50,000 per year! And the cost of making wine kosher is evident by this revelation: "For some small wineries the production of kosher wines can become prohibitively expensive; it means additional staff (rabbinical supervisors, for example) as well as fees to the rabbinical authorities, which can significantly affect the eventual retail price of the wine." And there is even a further expensive step to take to make sure the wine remains kosher even if the wine is handled by an inferior non-Jew as the above link reveals!


"Revealed religion" leaders are not bound by God-given reason. They have their various "holy" books that they interpret for their own benefit. The inhumane manner in which cattle are killed to satisfy the Jewish superstition of "kosher" brings out this fact.

According to the Jewish "holy" books, their god wants them to withhold any form of anesthetic from the unfortunate animal. The Jewish "holy" men have the gall to expect us to believe them when they say the kosher method of slaughter, in which the animal, usually strung up by it hind feet and in extreme terror as pictured below, has its throat sliced open and bleeds to death, is the most humane way to slaughter an animal because the blade the Jewish "holy" men use is very sharp!!! Only a moron or a religious fundamentalist would believe that lie!!! Free thinking people refuse to take garbage like that "on faith"!

In a weak effort to appease criticism, some kosher slaughterhouses use a device that envelops, holds and turns the animal upside down while the rabbi slits its throat, as if this will somehow make this barbaric ignorant religious practice acceptable. Here is a link to demonstrate without question that this in no way alleviates the UNNECESSARY suffering the animal is forced to endure. WARNING: This video is very graphic, watch it only if you have a very strong stomach! However, there is a good example of how the rabbis attempt to twist the truth in defense of their indefensible cruel and superstitious practice in text that is on the same page as the link to the video. It is worth the read even if you don't watch the video.

kosher slaughter

What YOU Can DO!

When you examine the food in your kitchen cabinets and find products that have any of the below "U"'s or "K"'s on them (which means they're certified kosher) call the company that is so certified and voice your complaint. The "U"'s and "K"'s don't have to be enclosed in a circle. Sometimes they stand alone and sometimes they're in a triangle.

Also, search for other products that aren't part of this inhumane scam. It's usually difficult to find companies that aren't certified kosher, but it's well worth the effort!

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